Items - Field Customization in Zoho Inventory
How to create a field customization in Zoho Inventory: 1. Go to settings - Preferences - Items - Field Customization - + New Custom Field 2. Select Data Type 3. Select "show in all PDF" if you want the field to appear in pdf documents. For any help ...
Price Lists management with Zoho Inventory
A Price List is a convenient way of customizing item rates in Zoho Inventory. It can be used to mass control/modify your item prices for a specific customer/vendor or transaction. A price list can be used to: Offer products regularly at a lesser ...
Composite Items with Zoho Inventory
A Composite item in Zoho Inventory is a single commodity that is composed of two or more items and/or services With composite items you can: Create kits and sell them for customized rates. Perform assemblies to create finished goods. Likewise, you ...
Item Groups management with Zoho Inventory
What Is Item Grouping? An item group is a collection of products which share similar attributes like color, production, features, or usage. Item groups can also be formed based on the markets in which they’re sold or if they’re similar in price. For ...
Item management with Zoho Inventory
Items are the products that you sell or services that you render to various clients and that can be purchased from various vendors in a business. Primary Information: Select the Type as Product. Enter the Name of the item. Specify a unit of ...