Zoho CRM - Keep Copies of Sent Emails using BCC Dropbox or POP 3 Account

Zoho CRM - Keep Copies of Emails using BCC Dropbox or POP 3 Account

When a User is leaving the company, all his emails connected via IMAP in the CRM will be unavailable. To solve this issue, 2 solutions can be used. The first one using BCC Dropbox permits to save a subset of emails. The second one saves all the email history of the User.

BCC Dropbox

To force a specific email to be stored in the CRM manually, use the personal BCC Dropbox Address of the User sending the email:
+ Works for which ever configuration (IMAP or POP3)
+ No action has to be taken when the employee is leaving
- The User has to add manually the BCC address when sending each email to be saved
- Cannot be used a posteriori

POP 3 Account

To backup existing emails that were configured as IMAP, follow this procedure.
From the CRM User Account:
1.  Deactivate the IMAP and reconfigure it as a POP 3 account
(wait for 48 hours for all the mails to Sync)

From the CRM Super Admin Account:
2. Deactivate the user
3. Click Setup > Users and Control > Security Control > Zoho Mail Add-On Users.
In the Zoho Mail Add-on Users page, select the check box corresponding to the deactivated user.
4. Click Backup.

For any help regarding this procedure, contact support@djtal.ch.
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